
10 GREAT Years!

2 years ago KC was not in the plans for our 10 year anniversary but with our youngest having surgery at the end of the month we had to find somewhere close. I'm glad we picked KC, we had a blast. The power and light district was a great time. We ate a lot of good food and drank a lot of good beer. Saw a few live bands at KC Live and even met some new friends. Not a bad way to end our first 10 years. I can't wait to see what the next 10 years bring.

No Cherry cider this year but this will do. A must if you drive by Nebraska City.

All loaded up, with the temps around 105 we didn't get all the riding in that we wanted too.
PizzaBella, AWESOME woodfire pizza in downtown KC. The Dry Stout from Boulevard was good too.

After hanging out with some new friends we decided to stop by the Flying Saucer @ 2am for one last beer.

To bad I'm not a baseball fan. Still cool to see all the All Star stuff going on.

The Power and Light District, it has all bars on the bottom and night clubs on top while a live band is playing in the middle section for free. Of course you pay for it with the drinks. This place was reall cool.
Happy 10 year babe!

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